GOSPODIN Bronze brush medium
Rectangular bronze brush (0.15 mm). To clean skis before waxing and to brush off glide waxes.
120x70 mm
File brush for cleaning files from cuttings and dust.
Also for cleaning of structure tools.
GOSPODIN OvalBrush Steel brass
Professional brush for cleaning and brush off after waxing.
For fast and efficient brushing.
Inclined bristles.
210x95 mm
GOSPODIN Roto Brush Brass
Roto brush brass.
Bristle diameter: 0.08 mm
Bristle length 7.5 mm
Waear glasses for security reasons.
GOSPODIN Roto Brush Horsehair
Roto brush horsehair.
Bristle diameter: 0.12 mm
Bristle length 6 mm
GOSPODIN Steel Brush micro with Polishing Felt
Rectangular steel (steel diameter 0.06 mm) brush with polishing felt.
Use felt to work in finish waxes.
Use brush to excavate base structure after every wax layer.
120x70 mm