TOKO Structurite Nordic
Ergonomically shaped surface structuring device with interchangeable structure roller for treatment of ski running surfaces with guidance for all cross-country skis. The device comes with the red roller (diagonal structure) for the mid snow temperature.
TOKO Structurite Nordic
Ergonomically shaped surface structuring device with interchangeable structure roller for treatment of ski running surfaces with guidance for all cross-country skis. The device comes with all three rollers.
yellow: interrupted, linear structure for warm and wet conditions
red: diagonal structure for mid snow temperatures
blue: linear structure for cold snow, artificial and coarse snow
TOKO Structurite Nordic
Ergonomisch geformtes Oberflächenstrukturierungsgerät mit auswechselbarer Strukturrolle zur einfachen Strukturierung der Lauffläche von Langlaufskiern. Durch die Strukturierung werden die Gleiteigenschaften der Skier deutlich verbessert. Das Gerät wird mit der roten Rolle (Diagonalstruktur) für den mittleren Schneetemperaturbereich geliefert.
TOKO Structurite Nordic Kit
Ergonomically shaped surface structuring device with interchangeable structure roller for easy structuring of the running surface of cross country skis. Structuring significantly improves the sliding properties of skis. As a kit, the device is supplied with all three rollers (yellow/red/blue) and ensures optimally structured skis in all snow conditions and temperatures.
TOKO Structurite Roller
Structure roller for easily structuring of the running surface of cross country skis. Structuring significantly improves the sliding properties of skis.Yellow: Coarse structure: warm snow temperature and wet conditions Red: Medium structure: Standard: Medium snow temperature
Blue: Fine structure: cold snow temperature, coarse snow and artificial snow
TOKO Structurite Roller
Structure rollers for Structurite Nordic.
yellow: Fishbone Structure.
red: diagonal structure.
blau: linear structure for cold condition, but also for coarse (wet) snow and artificial snow.