SWIX Oval brush nylon hard
Ø 0.4 mm. When applying Cera F using two-step ironing, these brushes are used to “brush up” the powder between the two ironing steps. Some use the same brushes again as the first brush after ironing is finished. 10 to 20 strokes.
210x90 mm
SWIX Oval brush bronze coarse
Ø 0.18 mm. These brushes have coarse bronze bristles,
and have a row of softer nylon bristles around
the outside edge as “sweepers” for wax particles.
They are used always before each waxing. Can also
be used as first brush after waxing. 10 strokes.
210x90 mm
SWIX Oval brush bronze medium coarse
Oval medium bronze brush. Ø 0.15 mm. Use as the first brush on wax after scraping. For removing wax in the structure. 10 brush strokes recommended.
SWIX Oval brush horsehair
Oval horsehair brush. Ø approx. 0.15 mm. For final brushing of TSP. 5 to 10 brush strikes recommended.
SWIX Oval brush nylon allround
Oval medium-stiff finishing brush for polishing ski and snowboard bases. Ø 0.32 mm.
SWIX Oval brush steel
Big steel brush. Ø 0.18 mm. Use as the first brush on wax after scraping. For removing wax in the structure. 5-6 brush strokes recommended.
SWIX T190O Brush oval, fine red nylon
Fine, oval brush for polishing liquid waxes.Ø 0,12mm. Special developed for polish liquid waxes. Fine bristles that goes deep in the structure and make a smooth and glossy surface. Can be used as a final step polishing for all types of wax.